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Writing Tips on Stylistic

Essay, like any other academic paper is a formal piece of writing, thus the style issue appears to be of great importance if you want your essays and term papers to be awarded with a high grade. Here are some tips on how you can improve your essay stylistically, so that it is easier for readers to understand.

  • Try to be as realistic as possible and think about your essay in context of real life while using an appropriate style of modern language.
  • Avoid long sentences, because even though they are considered to be a characteristic of a formal style, too many of them can make your essay look vague and unclear, besides that, they are tiresome to the readers.
  • At the same time, try to avoid short sentences, because even though they are effective for attracting reader’s attention, too many of them will make your essay look plain, boring and simplistic.
  • Avoid using non-standard words and contractions, because the formal writing differs from our informal conversation, so if you will use such words in your essay, it will look immature or maybe even offensive.
  • Avoid elliptical sentences as they are peculiarity of colloquial speech. Their usage in formal essay writing can hinder the reader’s understanding of the text.
  • Try to avoid unnecessary repetitions by substituting often repeating word by using synonyms.

Use these tips and your essays and term papers will look a lot better in terms of stylistics.

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